From Oct.2024 to Aug.2025



Free-of-charge for a single unit in the first case of crown(s), bridge(s), veneer(s), implant crown(s) (implant crown only, not including implant abutment) and splint of all types (for 1 arch)

  • Available to new customers only. A new customer is a clinic that has not sent work(s) to VNS Dental Lab or a clinic that has not tried any product of VNS Dental Lab.
  • This package is not applied for the same dentist working in different clinics.
  • This promotional program is only available from 01st of October 2024 to 31st of August 2025.
  • The value of the free unit is not accumulated into the customer’s monthly spending.
  • This offer is unique and can only be redeemed once per customer.
Should you wish to make contact with VNS Dental Lab or require further clarification, please do so by emailing [email protected].


– When the value of all spending in a month of a customer achieves a certain level, at the end of that month, a specific credit note will be generated in the customer’s account with VNS Dental Lab (in equivalent to that spending level).

– Spending more than 1000A$a 200 A$ credit note will be generated.
– Spending more than 3000 A$a 600 A$ credit note will be generated.
– Spending more than 5000 A$a 1250 A$ credit note will be generated.

  • All monetary amounts specified in these terms and conditions are in Australian dollars (AUD)
  • The total amount of spending in a month of a customer is calculated based on the orders that VNS Dental Lab receives from a clinic from the first calendar day of a month to the last calendar day of that month. The day that VNS Dental Lab receives an order is identified as the date the related scan is accepted by VNS Dental Lab or the day the related physical case/ impression of an order is delivered to our company.
  • The value of the first free unit occurred is not included in the customer’s expenditure of that month.
  • The credit note from this offer will only be available for use after all payments, related to the expenditure, are received by VNS Dental Lab.
  • Credit notes cannot be refunded, exchanged for cash or cash equivalent, or taken as deposits.
  • The credit note is only applied for VNS product and services only. Products and/ or services provided by a supplier, or a third party (for example: genuine implant part) are not eligible for the use of the credit note, even if it is a component of the customer’s order or is required to complete the customer’s order.
  • Only orders received from 01st of October 2024 to 31st of August 2025 are eligible for this offer.
  • VNS Dental Lab will inform each customer about their available credit note generated from the previous month’s expenditure or when a credit note becomes available for use. The available credit note(s) will be automatically applied to the customer’s invoices until all the amount of that credit note is used up. Or customers can discuss with VNS Dental Lab to choose which order or how they want to apply the credit note.
  • All credit notes generated by this offer are only available until 31st of March 2026.
Should you wish to make contact with VNS Dental Lab or require further clarification, please do so by emailing [email protected].


Gift vouchers are valid until 31st of August 2025. Unused values will not be refunded or attributed to any transactions after the expiry date. Unused values will not be refunded or attributed to any transactions after the expiry date.

  • The gift voucher must be physically presented (sent with physical case) or digitally presented (provided via email with all clinic’s information and voucher number) in order to be redeemed.
  • The gift vouchers are VNS Dental Lab’s special presents to our existing and potential customers. Each clinic is given a unique voucher, and that voucher cannot be used for any case of other clinics (even same dentist or clinics in the same company or brand).
  • The gift voucher is only applied for VNS products and services only. Products and/ or services provided by a supplier, or a third party (for example: genuine implant part) are not eligible for the use of the voucher, even if it is a component of the customer’s order or is required to complete the customer’s order.
  • Gift vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash, returned for a refund, have their balances consolidated to a new voucher or be replaced after expiry and are not legal tender, account cards, credit or debit cards or securities.
  • If your order value exceeds the value of the gift voucher applied for that, balance must be paid by cash, debit or credit card.
  • Gift vouchers cannot be replaced if lost, stolen or destroyed. If you suspect an unauthorised activity, immediately report this to VNS Dental Lab (02) 4217 8118 or email  [email protected].
  • VNS Dental Lab reserves the right to cancel a gift voucher if we deem such action necessary. If so, we may either provide a replacement gift voucher of equivalent value unless we suspect fraud in relation to a gift voucher. The gift voucher remains our property.
Should you wish to make contact with VNS Dental Lab or require further clarification, please do so by emailing [email protected].